Last Wednesday, we had our first set of OSCE's. OSCE stands for Objective Structured Clinical Exam. The course leader created five stations for us to rotate through, and at each station we were presented with a task we had learned during the semester. OSCE's are evaluated on a pass/fail basis - a passing grade is required in order to pass this first course, The Normal Animal. This year's stations included equine restraint/physical exam, canine restraint/physical exam, canine medical injections, bovine restraint, and Kohler illumination. Then on Friday, we took our final lecture exam (the fourth exam so far) and our final lab exam (the second lab exam so far). With that, we officially finished our first course of vet school and are 1/16th of the way to earning our degrees! It is so exhilarating to have accomplished this milestone alongside my classmates. We have learned so much these past eight weeks, including the behavior, cellular physiology, anatomy, embryology,...